Founded in 1891, the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CAST) is North America’s largest not-for-profit child welfare agency, funded by the province of Ontario with a legal mandate to keep children and youth, from birth to 17 years of age, safe from abuse and neglect. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and support communities across the Greater Toronto Area with office locations in Toronto, North York and Scarborough.

As a Children’s Aid Society in Ontario, we are regulated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and governed by the Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA). Under this Act we are mandated to:

  • Investigate allegations or evidence that children under the age of 18 may be in need of protection
  • Protect children where necessary
  • Provide guidance, counselling, and other services to families for protecting children or preventing circumstances requiring the protection of children
  • Provide care and supervision for children assigned to our supervision, or committed to it our care
  • Facilitate permanency for children, which could include adoption

We have internal positions, processes and programs in place that allow us to deliver our services to children, youth and families through an equity lens. Dedicated roles across our Agency ensure that our staff can support the unique identities and needs of children, youth and families including their race, culture, religion/creed, gender and sexual orientation.

Keeping children and youth at home and in their communities.

We believe that children and youth are best supported when at home and in their communities. In fact, 9 out of 10 times the work we do with child, youth and a family is in their home.

When a child or youth is unable to remain in their own home, we ensure they are brought to a temporary place of safety with members of their extended family, a community member, family friend or Foster Parent. It is our priority to provide them with a stable environment that supports their growth, nurtures their identities and supports connections with their families until they can safely return home.

We also facilitate public adoptions for children and youth requiring permanency.

Strengthening families through community engagement.

We’re focused on engaging organizations and individuals in our communities that bridge the gap between our Agency’s Service delivery and the range of supports families need to resource themselves and keep their children safe. As advocates and voices of the diverse populations we serve, our partners allow us to connect families with culturally aligned resources, supports and networks that strengthen their family unit.

A family may be connected to resources including counselling, employment services, youth mentorship, child care, mental health resources, food supports, mentorship and housing services.

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Mission & Vision

  • Our Vision

    A city where children are safe, families are strong and communities are supported.

  • Our Mission

    Leading with excellence and working in partnership to:
    Prevent situations that lead to child abuse and neglect by embracing, strengthening and supporting families and communities;
    Protect children and youth from abuse and neglect;
    Provide safe and nurturing care for children and youth;
    Advocate to meet the needs of children, youth, families and communities.

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Our Values

We believe in:

  • Placing the needs of children and youth first

  • Creating an environment that promotes trust, equality, respect, diversity, openness and honesty

  • Affirming and valuing our staff, care providers, clients and volunteers

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  • Promoting enduring relationships for children and youth

  • Being accountable and transparent

  • Demonstrating excellence, leadership, teamwork and innovation

Children’s Aid Society of Toronto’s Strategic Plan

View our Strategic Plan to learn more about the strategic directions and priorities that drive our work.
Download the Strategic Plan.

Community Engagements